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The Latest from SCETV

All Programs

  • Citizen Better

    Follow host KJ Kearney as he finds the ‘informal’ ways to be civically engaged.

  • Curiosity Trek!

    Curiosity Trek! tells stories of people and events through objects left behind.

  • Carolina Snaps

    From small towns to southern icons, each video is packed with education and celebration.

  • Coastal Kingdom

    Coastal Kingdom is a nature series set in the South Carolina Lowcountry.

  • Crash Course

    Welcome to school without the Classroom!

  • Carolina Classrooms

    A series for teachers, parents and citizens invested in the education of our children.

  • Carolina Stories

    Carolina Stories highlights the rich history of South Carolina.


    Follow the British government committee COBRA as it overcomes major national crises.

  • Call the Midwife

    Call the Midwife is a moving and intimate insight into the colorful world of midwifery.

  • Caring for Mom & Dad

  • Central Park Five

    The story of five teenagers who were wrongly convicted in the Central Park Jogger case.

  • Circus

  • Crash Course Astronomy

    Join host Phil Plait in a Crash Course about the cosmos.

  • Crash Course Government and Politics

    Host Craig Benzine takes you through a tour of US government and politics.

  • Crash Course Physics

    Explore the world of physics and motion with Dr. Shini Somara.

  • ChefSteps

    ChefSteps is here to make you a better cook.

  • Craft in America

    Unearth the splendor of American culture crafts and the people behind the artistry.

  • College Behind Bars

    Men and women earn college degrees - and a chance at new beginnings - while incarcerated.

  • Curious Traveler

    Christine van Blokland gets curious about the world’s hidden histories and mysteries.

  • Charlie Russell's Old West

    Explore Russell's art and life as he witnessed the end of the Wild West open range.

  • Crash Course: Artificial Intelligence

    In this series host Jabril Ashe will teach you the logic behind AI.

  • Country Music

    Hear the remarkable stories of the people and places behind a true American art form.

  • Cooking in Concert

    Julia Child joins Jacques Pepin and Graham Kerr

  • Civilizations

    Examine the formative role of art and the creative imagination in forging of humanity.

  • Crash Course Computer Science

    In this series, you will gain a better understanding of how far computers have taken us.

  • Coffee The Drink That Changed America

    Explore America’s love affair with the bean that arrived not long after the Pilgrims

  • Crash Course Zoology

    Take a rapid deep dive into the weird and wonderful biology of animals.

  • Crash Course Linguistics

    Welcome to Crash Course Linguistics!

  • Constitution USA with Peter Sagal

    Peter Sagal travels across the country to find where the U.S. Constitution lives.

  • Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television

    Transform home cooking with the editors of Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Magazine.

  • Cook's Country

    Family recipes from every corner of America are re-imagined for home cooks everywhere.

  • Classical Rewind

    Classical Rewind takes viewers on an incredible journey to explore the music of the master

  • Celebrating PBS NewsHour

    Celebrate the history and accomplishments of this groundbreaking news organization.

The Marlow Murder Club
Moonflower Murder
The Best of PBS and SCETV

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