Daily online updates about the SC General Assembly, including legislative actions, debates and discussions.
South Carolina sets next execution date as inmate questions lethal injection doses

SCETV President and CEO Adrienne Fairwell re-elected to America’s Public Television Stations Board of Trustees and elected Professional Vice Chair
South Carolina ETV and Public Radio President and CEO Adrienne Fairwell has been re-elected to the America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) Board of Trustees and selected as the Professional Vice Chair for 2025.

S.C. arts school celebrates 25 years
We often talk about the importance of STEM education to our state’s economic prospects, but our next guest will argue that education in the arts is just as important. And to emphasize that point, this year his public school is celebrating its 25th year. Mike Switzer interviews Dr. Cedric Adderly, president of the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts & Humanities in Greenville, S.C.

The State House Gavel: SC House GOP leaders roll out anti-DEI, 'DOGE' bills

South Carolina Public Radio welcomes Reagan Knight as new local host for "All Things Considered"
South Carolina Public Radio (SC Public Radio) is proud to announce Reagan Knight has joined the team as the new local afternoon host for All Things Considered.

The State House Gavel: Lawmakers rebuff judge candidate, House Ed chair talks scholarship bill