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PBS Kids
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Kids and grown-ups, want to learn something new about the wider world? Explore all that SCETV KIDS and PBS KIDS have to offer. Watch our free SCETV PBS KIDS channel which offers 24/7 educational programming. 

PBS KIDS Brand Survey

South Carolina ETV is committed to providing high-quality educational content through television, digital platforms and community engagement. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand how our brands are perceived and recognized in the community. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.

SCETV KIDS Initiatives

Smart Cat

Watch videos and download the workbook.

Bright by Text

Bright by Text provides FREE, quality tips, games, and resources from SCETV, PBS, and a number of other trusted sources.

Meet the Helpers

This video series helps children learn about important community helpers in a calm and fun environment, so when an emergency strikes, children will understand who to look for and how to help.

PBS Parents

PBS Parents is a trusted resource that’s filled with information on child development and early learning. Find parenting tips, timely articles, kid-friendly recipes, interactive games from PBS KIDS and more!


Fruits and Vegetables

Download Smart Cat activity sheet

PBS Coloring Pages & Printables

Find fun activities for kids including coloring pages, printable activities, and online games.

PBS Printable Activities

Search or browse activities by age, type of activity or favorite character.

More Activities

See ALL Activities

Help Create a Positive View of the World

SCETV PBS KIDS has educational programming you can turn on without having to worry about what little ears might overhear. Can you donate to help us keep providing the wholesome content you rely on?