
Examine the formative role of art and the creative imagination in forging of humanity.


  • The Cult of Progress

    Examine the rise and fall of “progress” as an ideology.
  • Color and Light

    Explore light and color in art in the search for greater realism and spiritual ecstasy.
  • Paradise on Earth

    Explore one of humanity’s deepest artistic urges: the depiction of nature.
  • Renaissances

    Travel east and west— to Renaissance Italy and the contemporaneous Islamic empires.
  • Encounters

    See how art became the great interface when distant cultures met for the first time.
  • God and Art

    Consider how religion has inspired art and art has inspired divine representation.
  • How Do We Look?

    Explore how we look at the human body in art.
  • The Second Moment of Creation

    Examine the formative role of art and the creative imagination in the forging of humanity.

About Civilizations

Survey the history of art, from antiquity to the present, on a global scale. Civilizations reveals the role art and creative imagination have played in forging humanity, and introduce viewers to works of beauty, ingenuity and illumination across cultures. Liev Schreiber narrates.
