March 31, 2017
Guilford Courthouse: Costly Victory | The Southern Campaign
March 20, 2017
Waxhaws: Blood in the Backcountry | The Southern Campaign
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Southern Campaign | From the Sky
The American Revolutionary War is arguably the most significant conflict in United States history. With over 200 battles, no other state saw as much combat as...

SCETV Endowment, Southern Campaign Tour, Stop 3 - Historic Brattonsville
On the last day of the ETV Endowment's Southern Campaign Tour, tourists visited two locations. The first of the two was Historic Brattonsville, which is the site of "Battle At Williamson's Plantation...

SCETV Endowment, Southern Campaign Tour, Stop 2 - Ninety-Six Star Fort
On day two of the ETV Endowment's Southern Campaign Tour, visitors got a chance to see Old Ninety-Six National Historic Site, in present-day Greenwood County, South Carolina. Around the time of the...

SCETV Endowment, Southern Campaign Tour, Stop 1 - Cowpens
Late last month, a three day series of tours occurred, for the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution. This tour was made possible with the cooperation between the SCETV Endowment, and the...
Behind the Scenes with the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution
South Carolina’s role in the Revolutionary War comes to the classroom in new online resources produced by South Carolina ETV in conjunction with the National Park Service, The Self Foundation, and...

Smart is fun with KnowItAll
KnowItAll features a wide assortment of media assets, created by South Carolina ETV with a variety of partners for preK-12. The content has been optimized for tablets and mobile devices for one-to-one learning.