South Carolina ETV has received an award from NETA for its 2018 Instructional Media - Teacher Resource: The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution.
2018 NETA Award Winners Announced: Celebrating the Best in Public Media
Public media's achievements in instructional media, community engagement, promotion, and general audience content were honored Monday night, January 21, at the NETA Awards presentation. The gala evening, sponsored in part by the Contributor Development Partnership (CDP), was the opening event for the 2019 NETA Conference and CPB Public Media Thought Leaders Forum at the Marriott Downtown at City Creek hotel in Salt Lake City.
"Every one of us working in public media today can be proud of the NETA Award winners," said NETA president Eric Hyyppa. "When you look at the achievements that these projects represent, making our services relevant and valuable to our communities, you can't help but be inspired for the future."
The NETA Awards are an annual recognition of public broadcasting's finest work, a tradition established in the 1960s by NETA's precursor, the pioneering Southern Educational Communications Association.
South Carolina ETV received the award for Instructional Media - Teacher Resource for its series, The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution.
"The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution is an eight-part video series with accompanying lesson plans for middle school history students. The Southern Campaign was critical in determining the outcome of the American Revolutionary War, yet the South's importance has been downplayed in most historical accounts. The story begins with theinvasion of British troops and fall of Charleston in 1780. After catastrophes at The Waxhaws and Camden, victories in battles and skirmishes at Brattonsville, Musgrove Mill, Kings Mountain, and Cowpens defeated the British aggressors and their loyalist friends, leading to surrender at Yorktown, Virginia. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse (North Carolina) and the siege of Ninety Six are also featured in the series. Each module of The Southern Campaign includes a short video episode, photos, maps, and online curriculum suggestions for teachers."
What Did the Judges Say?
"Excellent in all respects. The content is thoughtfully presented in a way that appeals to learners with varied learning styles: reenactments, narration, maps, etc. Delivering videos in short segments instead of one long program makes them classro om-friendly. The teacher support materials are comprehensive. The budget indicates conscious considerations of cost savings. They planned strategically; they used their assets well. They had interns and students who helped and learned about the process of creating these episodes as well as actors. They saved almost $30K in the production process."
"Clear measurable data shows that teachers love these segments and that the segments will be used to educate thousands of students. I appreciated reading the teacher comments as well as the page view analytics."
"Overall, this project represents an ambitious concept effectively executed. This project excelled for three reasons. First, they chose a topic that needed to be highlighted. Second, they effectively saved money while giving students and interns valuable experience . Third, the segments are already receiving positive feedback."
Project Description
The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution K-12 project was a collaboration between SCETV and the National Park Service. The south's role in winning the Revolutionary War is usually a footnote in content that is available for consumption or education. The battles that took place in South Carolina and other southern states were the ones to turn the tide in the war. The project grew out of the fact that there is minimal content to teach K-12 students about specific, important Southern Campaign battles.
The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution project was done to generate educational content that could be used in the classroom to educate K-12 students locally and nationally concerning many of the individual battles that were important in turning the tide of the war. The content lives on SCETV’s education websites, which include Knowitall.org; LearningWhy.org; and the PBS Learning Media site.
Lesson plans that met current curriculum standards were a major part of the project. Video and promotional segments were also included on ETV’s public affairs programs, Palmetto Scene and South Carolina Public Radio’s Walter Edgar's Journal.
This video series was made possible by South Carolina ETV, The National Park Service, The Self Family Foundation, The George Washington Endowment Fund of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, The South Carolina State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, the ETV Endowment of South Carolina and independent viewers.
The genesis of the American Campaign of the American Revolution project started close to a decade ago. The first project with the National Park Service leading up to this one was a documentary titled “The Mapping of Kosciuszko’s Tunnel”.
South Carolina ETV Contacts:
- Steven Folks, folks@scetv.org
- William Richardson, wrichard@scetv.org
About NETA
NETA is a professional association organized in 1997 to serve and support public television licensees and affiliated educational organizations. The organization has 101 member stations, representing 107 noncommercial educational licensees in 46 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands.
See www.netaonline.org for more information on NETA, its mission, and its services.
NETA ContacMaryanne Schuessler, Maryanne@netaonline.org, 803-978-1579