Congratulations on making it to the end of another school year! From participation in our recertification courses and trainings, to completion of the annual educator survey, we are thankful for your support.
Click here for our Annual Educational Services prize drawing results.
As you finalize your summer plans, please consider one of our opportunities to visit the ETV Studios. Know that we are also using the summer to redesign our PD services.
Below are some of the highlights from the 2018-19 school year.
- Nearly 5,000 individuals trained in pre-K, K12, and higher education entities across the state
- A total of 257 wireless hotspots managed at afterschool and early learning sites
- Our first listening session which hosted teachers from the Midlands area and gave them an opportunity to share their voices; additional opportunities for listening sessions are forthcoming
- Reconstruction Virtual Classroom Event in partnership with Beaufort County School district, which featured Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
- More than 300 lessons plans entered in the LearningWhy platform
- Approximately 600 teachers participated in PBS TeacherLine or SCETV Learn courses
As we gear up for the 2019-2020 academic year, we are working through a professional development redesign. We are doing an extensive assessment to realign our services and resources with what educators are telling us they need. Stay tuned for exciting updates this Fall about our new workshop and training offerings!