Senator Clementa Pinckney's Portrait To Be Unveiled

Sen. Clementa Pinckney

On the floor of the S.C. Senate today, Senator Gerald Malloy announced that a portrait of the late Senator Clementa Pinckney would be unveiled on May 25. Senator Pinckney was one of the nine murdered at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston last June.

Malloy said, "This portrait will be a lasting tribute to the life of Senator Pinckney, appropriately reflecting his service to our citizens and his church. But more importantly, it will be a constant lesson of the power of grace in the face of tragedy.”

Larry Lebby created the portrait of Pinckney. Lebby, a world-renowned artist, has done portraits of President Jimmy Carter, Senator Strom Thurmond, Hank Aaron, and many others.

The ceremony will be available live on on May 25 at 4:00 p.m.