March 30, 2020

A number of learning resources are available to support world languages during this time. The Education team reached out to our friends at the SC State Library and also searched our PBS and ETV resources to identify helpful tools.
Do you have others we should add to this list? Please send an email to
ETV and PBS Resources
- World Languages Subject Area - Features video clips on various languages including American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
- PBS Resources for Emergency Closures - A collection of fully translated videos, lesson plans, and activities that support learning at home
American Sign Language (ASL)
- ASL for Free - Gallaudet University - Free lessons and vocabulary, with more extensive paid online course options.
- Mango Languages - Free subscriptions are available through some county libraries (availability varies by county library system.)
- Sign Language Dictionary
- SignSchool - Free Interactive Lessons to learn ASL
Native Languages
- DuoLingo - Free language learning website & app, great for vocabulary building ยท
- HelloTalk App - Free app that connects you with language learners and native speakers around the world.
- Mango Languages - Free classroom resources made available in response to COVID-19
- Memrise - A flash card based app that incorporates mnemonic devices, with courses covering vocabulary in many languages.
- USA Learns - Free online lessons for English Language Learners and Citizenship Preparation