The U.S. and the Holocaust

Exploring America’s response to one of the greatest humanitarian crises in history.


  • “The Homeless, Tempest-Tossed” (1942 - )

    As the Allies liberate German camps, the public sees the sheer scale of the Holocaust.
  • En Español: “Anhelando Poder Respirar en Libertad”

    En la guerra, algunos estadounidenses ayudan a los refugiados; otros son indiferentes.
  • “Yearning to Breathe Free” (1938-1942)

    As war begins, some Americans work tirelessly to help refugees; others remain indifferent.
  • En Español: “La Puerta de Oro”

    Una reacción xenófoba lleva al Congreso a restringir la inmigración.
  • “The Golden Door” (Beginnings-1938)

    Reversing open borders, a xenophobic backlash prompts Congress to restrict immigration.


  • The Holocaust and Refugees, Lessons for Today

    Filmmakers and special guests explore themes from the U.S. and the Holocaust.

About The U.S. and the Holocaust

Inspired in part by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s “Americans and the Holocaust” exhibition and supported by its historical resources, The U.S. and the Holocaust examines the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany in the context of global antisemitism and racism, the eugenics movement in the United States and race laws in the American south.
