The Singing Christmas Tree (1985) | ETV Classics: Holiday Edition

Produced by Arletta Raley and Directed by Algric Leo Chaplin, The Singing Christmas Tree is a timeless, festive presentation of song and dance to celebrate the Christmas holidays. 

Christian hymns and secular Christmas carols are presented by the ensemble staged as a towering Christmas tree. Favorite songs such as Happy Holidays, I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas, The most Wonderful Time of the Year are enhanced by beautifully costumed dancers. The March of the Little Toy Soldiers has a children’s army and at the end of their dance, they are saluted by Santa Claus. Segments highlighting the joy and magic of the season abound and children again take the stage singing Let There Be Peace on Earth and It’s A Small World After All.  

About halfway through the production, the tone of the performance becomes more religious, highlighting with music and tableau the birth of the Christ child, complete with angels, shepherds, and wise men.  Cherished Christmas music such as Ave Maria,  Joy to the World, The Hallelujah Chorus and The First Noel round out the musical offerings.

Side Notes

  • This Twentieth Anniversary Celebration of The Singing Christmas Tree was dedicated to Virginia Uldrick who for twenty years has served as artistic director.

If you missed any of the holiday programming, check out the Happy Holidays page, or view more classic content on ETV Classics.