KnowItAll's Martin Luther King Collection has resources for everyone! Try it out today!
Martin Luther King Collection on KnowItAll.org
- Andrew Young on the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Benjamin Mays | SC Hall of Fame
- Coretta Scott King – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- King at Penn Center – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Leading the Struggle – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Mahatma Gandhi | Periscope
- March on Washington | Crowd on the Mall | Periscope
- March on Washingon | Periscope
- March on Washingon | Road Trip
- Marian Wright Edelman – S.C. Hall of Fame
- Martin Luther King with President Lyndon Johnson | Periscope
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrated at the State House – Palmetto Scene
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Legislation | Periscope
- Orangeburg Massacre, Part 4 – The Big Picture
- Penn Center: A Legacy, Part 2 – Social Injustice
- Policemen & Federal Marshals | Periscope
- Road Trip Upstate, Stop 3: Key Leadership
- Rosa Parks | Periscope
- Ruby Bridges (1960)
- Septima Clark – S.C. Hall of Fame
- Why the Penn Center? Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
African American History Month on Periscope
A. The Father of African American History
B. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
C. Ruby Bridges
Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
This program tells the story of the Penn Center’s inception in 1862 as a school for freed slaves to its involvement in the Gullah community today. Today the center collects, documents, preserves, and disseminates information related to cultural heritage of the Sea Island and Lowcountry African American culture.
Road Trip! Through South Carolina Civil Rights History
Designed to help teachers and students to learn about the people and the events, and the importance of the civil rights movement in South Carolina from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
KnowItAll's African American History Collection provides these resources—all in one place! Use them now for Martin Luther King Day and in February for African American History Month.
- A True Likeness (Richard Samuel Roberts, Photographer)
- African American History Month | Periscope
- Blythewood History
- Born To Rebel, Driven To Excel (Benjamin Mays)
- Civil Rights Youth Media Summit
- Civil Rights Movement | SC Hall of Fame
- Congressman Jim Clyburn
- Dizzy Gillespie | Profile
- Dizzy Gillespie: From the Be to the Bop
- Education of Harvey Gantt
- Family Across the Sea
- GullahNet
- Homecoming: Art of Jonathan Green and Leo Twiggs
- Jail, No Bail
- Mary McLeod Bethune (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
- Matthew Perry | Profile
- Matthew Perry | SC Hall of Fame
- Modjeska Simkins (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
- Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
- Reflections of Columbia
- Road Trip! Through South Carolina's Civil Rights History
- Saving Sandy Island
- SC Chief Justice Ernest Finney | SC Hall of Fame
- SC Confederate Flag
- Septima Clark | SC Hall of Fame
- South Carolina African American History Calendar
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Briggs v. Elliott
- Friendship Nine
- Gullah
- Noted African Americans
- Orangeburg Massacre
- Penn Center
- Slavery in South Carolina
Visit Knowitall often for other Collections! The Collections are available anytime.
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