Two of our premiere educational resources are merging! Starting in October, SCETV will place all content from LearningWhy.org on the Knowitall.org website.
Users will be able to find all of our great content and lesson plans in one central location. Knowitall.org will experience a complete rebranding and we are excited for you to see the new site design, coming soon!
We assessed the results from our annual educator survey and conducted focus groups with a number of stakeholders to figure out what you wanted to see from our ETV resources. A streamlined user experience was at the top of the list.
Now more than ever, a streamlined user experience is of the utmost importance. Educators, parents, and students are being asked to lean on their creativity and flexibility to ensure that our students have quality learning experiences. Some teachers will be holding classes virtually, some in person and some … both virtual and in person. Parents will become new homeschool teachers … Yikes!
Don’t fret … We are here to help make life as simple as possible when it comes to finding quality resources. Until our two main educational sites merge, you can continue to find useful content in both locations.
On KnowItAll you can find videos, handouts, primary resource documents and interactives. On LearningWhy you can find entire lesson plans all aligned with the South Carolina state standards. These two together make for a powerful means by which teachers, using their greatness, can save some time to find what they need for a lesson.
Don’t worry, we will make a big splash and give you lots of signs and instructions about the merger in the coming weeks. Until then, enjoy all of the new content we’ve been creating and tell us all about your needs. We love to receive your feedback!