September 30, 2020

What do Andre Perry, William Tate, Shaun Harper, and Tia McNair have in common?
They are all Fall faculty lounge speakers!
South Carolina ETV Education is partnering with the University of South Carolina to share this dynamic lineup of speakers focusing on a number of diversity and inclusion topics.
The workshops will be featured throughout the Fall on SCETV Education’s social media platforms.
The speaker lineup and dates are as follows:
- September 15
Race without Racism: The Minimization of Racial Norms in Higher Education
Dr. Shaun Harper, University of Southern California
- October 6
Geography of Opportunity: Poverty, Place, and Educational Outcomes
Dr. William Tate, University of South Carolina
- October 27
From Equity Walk to Equity Talk
Dr. Tia McNair, Association of American Colleges and Universities
- December 1
Valuing Black Lives and Property
Dr. Andre Perry, American University
For additional information about the series contact