Physics Girl

Physics videos for every atom and eve.


  • How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics

    How is it possible that you can't see 95% of the universe?
  • Why This Stuff Costs $2700 Trillion Per Gram

    There’s a factory in Europe that makes antimatter!
  • Most People Don’t Know Wine Moves Like This

    Wine legs aka wine tears or wine fingers are stranger than they seem.
  • World’s Largest Camera Lens

    We caught the short window of time to see the largest digital camera's massive lens.
  • The Surprising Ways Mars is Hostile to Life

    Wanna know all the reasons Mars will kill you and how we know?
  • What Happens When Black Holes Collide?

    What happens when black holes collide? What is the speed of gravity?
  • Why Are There Giant Concrete Tunnels in the Desert?

    The Physics Girl team visited LIGO once again.
  • Testing What Exercise Actually Does to Your Butt

    What activates your butt muscles more, running or squatting?


About Physics Girl

Join host Dianna Cowern as she puts her MIT physics degree to the test. With experiments, demonstrations, and cool new discoveries, Physics Girl sheds new light on the fun, adventurous side of physical science.