Gross Science

Bizarre stories from the slimy, smelly, creepy world of science.


  • Could We Rid The World Of Mosquitoes?

    A new technology could make diseases like Zika a thing of the past. But should we use it?
  • What Really Causes Cavities?

    Hate going to the dentist? Keep the millions of microbes in your mouth happy.
  • How To Make Glow-In-The-Dark Slime!

    You can make glow-in-the-dark slime with common household items—and learn some really cool
  • 5 Gross Facts About Koalas

    Baby koalas eat their mom's poop... and that's just the beginning.
  • How Far Do Sneezes and Vomit Travel?

    Germs can travel way farther than you might think.
  • Why Don't Vultures Get Food Poisoning?

    Vultures have a number of traits that allow them to eat the grossest stuff.
  • Can Microbes Solve Murder Mysteries?

    Meet your necrobiome: The microbes that feast on your body after death.
  • How Dirty Are Public Restrooms?

    What is lurking in the bathroom?

About Gross Science

Bizarre stories from the slimy, smelly, creepy world of science.
