Alston Wilkes Society
Since 1962, the Alston Wilkes Society (AWS), a state-wide South Carolina non-profit organization, has been rebuilding lives for a safer community through evidence-informed programs and services for veterans in need, justice-involved individuals, and at-risk youth.
Founded by Methodist Minister Eli Alston Wilkes 61 years ago, AWS began when Rev. Wilkes started helping men being released from prison in Columbia with housing, jobs and basic needs support. Building on that mission to meet an important community need, over the next several years, AWS grew to a state-wide presence and expanded its programs to include veterans and youth. Last year alone, AWS provided 2,431 individuals in need with the tools they needed to rebuild their lives as productive members of their communities. This included increasing housing stability for 640 veterans and their families, helping 1,132 justice involved individuals navigate reentry barriers after incarceration, supporting the reentry efforts of 640 residents of AWS’ four Residential Reentry Centers and providing therapeutic services and life skills instruction for 19 at-risk male youth in a home-like facility. All of AWS’ programs are accredited (by the Council on Accreditation and the American Correctional Association) and AWS is certified as a Trauma Informed Practices non-profit organization.
Although AWS has such a rich and long history of service in the state, we are often referred to as a “best kept secret” which is a compliment; however, it speaks to the need for us to educate the public about community needs, our mission to meet those needs and our programs that support our mission. We believe that ETV is the perfect vehicle for AWS to reach additional South Carolinians who can join our 3,000+ members nationwide.
For more information, visit us at www.alstonwilkessociety.org
To become a sponsor contact Melanie Boyer, Corporate Sponsorship Manager, 803-737-3289 or via email at mboyer@scetv.org.