Conway Downtown Alive
428 Main Street
Conway, SC 29526
In the 1980's Downtowns ceased functioning as the center of smalltown life as a new modern concept opened to consumers—the mall! Across the nation, historic districts struggled to maintain shopper interest and even sought facade improvements to mirror shopping mall exteriors. The National Main Street movement was born from this new retail trend and thus Conway Downtown Alive. Since 1986, Conway Downtown Alive has worked to promote and preserve Downtown Conway while sustaining and creating interest in Historic Conway as a place.
Executive Director Hillary Howard says, "The recent renewed interest in shopping and dining local has been extraordinary. Over the past 6 years, our district has been uniquely affected by 3 hurricanes, several flood events, an access route closure and, of course, a pandemic. However, the events that could have broken our district, have renewed it!"
When chatting with guests or new residents in the Visitor Center, there was a common and frequent familiarity at the mention of South Carolina ETV and Public Radio. Underwriting with the station has been a great way to support the work of SCETV and bring heightened awareness to the town. Partnering with SC Public Radio also meshes with Conway Downtown Alive's audience demographics. "We find our guests are "travelers of life" taking time and a few steps off the beaten path is a way of life and Downtown Conway is a beautiful place to do just that."
"Underwriting SCETV hasn't given me a leg up on any answers on Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!, but it has definitely given Conway a leg up on welcoming folks to Downtown whether for the day or a lifetime."
For more information, call 843-248-6260 or visit Conwayalive.com.
To become a sponsor contact Melanie Boyer, Corporate Sponsorship Manager, 803-737-3289 or via email at mboyer@scetv.org