Sponsor: South Carolina State Library
Director of Communications: Dr. Curtis Rogers
For more than 50 years, the South Carolina State Library (SCSL) has provided educational and community services to the state. Like SCETV, this remarkable resource takes measures to enrich lives by educating children, informing and connecting with citizens inside and outside of the state and sharing historical, and cultural collections.
Because the missions of the two organizations are so closely aligned, SCETV and SC Public Radio are a perfect fit for SCSL’s marketing strategy.
“We strive to develop, support, and sustain a thriving statewide community of learners, and SCETV is a terrific partner in that effort,” said Dr. Curtis Rogers, Director of Communications for SCSL. “In addition, the statewide reach of both the television and radio networks are critical as we seek to reach each and every South Carolinian.”
Located at the corner of Senate and Bull streets in Columbia, SCSL offers more than books.
“As technology continues to evolve, we pride ourselves on utilizing the very latest learning tools and resources,” said Rogers. “We’re also committed to serving all people in the state.”
In that vein, SCSL offers Discus – South Carolina's Virtual Library; Talking Book Services for the Blind and Print Disabled; ReadSC – South Carolina's Center for the Book; StudySC – a homework help website; and even a dial-a-story program called Telephone Tales, which can be accessed by calling 803-734-1110.
Contact information:
803-734-8666 1500 Senate Street
Columbia, S.C. 29201
To become a sponsor contact Melanie Boyer, Corporate Sponsorship Manager, 803-737-3289 or via email at mboyer@scetv.org.