Make the most of the new school year by starting off with inspiring and helpful PD - and some renewal credits in your pocket too!
Teach and learn at the same time? Yes you can with the flexible courses offered by our two PD programs: TeacherStep and ETV Teacher Recertification Courses.
*Please note that our TeacherLine Southeast program is no longer operating. We are transforming several former TeacherLine courses, including our 3 Read to Succeed (R2S) courses, and will offer them in the coming months. Stay tuned!
TeacherStep courses:
Brushing up or expanding your teaching skills for math or ELA? Don’t miss the highly-respected TeacherStep courses offered by South Carolina Educational Communications, an ETV-affiliated non-profit, in collaboration with Converse University. Created by teachers for teachers, TeacherStep courses include lesson plans and materials you can begin using in your classroom today!
- Choose your course type: 60 SC Renewal Credits ($249) or 3 Graduate Credits ($499)
- Super flexible: enroll anytime, then finish within 9 months
- 7-day worry-free guarantee
- * Enroll during August with coupon code TS085021 and receive a $50 Amazon gift card with every course! (Pro tip: Use that card for something that brings you joy; you deserve it!)
Learn more and explore the courses. And don’t miss that Amazon gift card!
...by completing the tasks, readings and resources required by this course, I now feel that I am able to implement the standards within my classroom and will be able to communicate my enthusiasm to other teachers. - Karen Howle, South Carolina
Questions/Help: Amy@TeacherStep.com, (864) 308-1322

ETV Teacher Recertification Courses:
First up, please note we will be transitioning to a new name this fall: "ETV LEARN". Don't worry, we'll help you through the change!
Here's a sneap-peak at the new logo:
Whatever our name, we've still got you covered from A-Z. Offered directly by us, our teacher recertification courses have something for pretty much everyone. If our online courses in ELA, science, social studies, the arts, natural history, and career education aren’t your thing, surely our general education courses will do the trick! New courses keep coming too, see below.
Fall session details:
- All courses cost $75 each and earn 20 SC Renewal Credits (no graduate credit)
- Registration period: September 1 – October 25, 2021
- Coursework period (self-paced within these start/end dates): October 6 – December 1, 2021
- *FREE Offer: The first 20 educators to register/pay for at least one course in the Fall session may request ONE of our NEW courses to receive FREE this session too. Just email bjamison@scetv.org with the name of the free NEW course that you want right after you register/pay for your course.
3 new courses:
* Each course is recommended for teachers of all grades/subjects.
- Effectively Using Media in the Classroom, Part I
The average 21st century learner is usually never without technology. With the advent of multimedia, i.e. videos and social media platforms, teachers can find ways to be more creative and prompt students to think critically. Organized in two sections: Section 1 provides an overview of using media as a contemporary method of teaching in the classroom and as a means of more effective content delivery. Section 2 uses the African American History Calendar in KnowItall.org and PBS Ken Burns collection resources to look at modifying lessons to engage students as a means of learning for comprehension.
- Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series III
(You do NOT have to take Series I & II prior.)
Through resources examining a variety of educational topics, Series III builds on the content of Series I and II. SCETV’s educational series Carolina Classrooms allows us to learn from education leaders, administrators and teachers, parents, and community partners, providing insight on topics, including developing a positive school climate, STEAM, education equity, reading to learn, and exploring career education, especially for young women. We’ll meet our most recent SC Teacher of the Year finalists and explore history, natural history, career and arts related video-based segments that can bring real-world experiences into the classroom.
- Project-Based Learning: Engaging 21st Century Learners, Part II
(You must complete the Part I course before taking Part II.)
Project-Based Learning is a teaching strategy wherein students learn by actively engaging in meaningful projects with real-world applicability. This second course extends on the first course in which participants were able to learn about the basic components of a project-based lesson. In Part II, participants will first review the core seven components of a project-based lesson. Next, participants will evaluate examples of successful project-based lessons. Lastly, participants will create their own project-based lesson to upload into KnowItAll.org.
Explore all ETV recertification courses. Whether you want to learn how to use media effectively with your students, experience learning with Naturalist Rudy Mancke, need PD in teaching writing, are interested in PBL strategies, seek to learn more about our rich SC history or delve into Career Education … or maybe you just want to be inspired by some of our finest SC teachers … 'ETV Learn' courses are for you!
“This ETV course exceeded by expectations … amount of work required was reasonable, discussion prompts were thought provoking and intentional, and takeaways were practical! My investment in this course was well worth my time and effort.” - Sarah P., elementary teacher, Greenville, 2021
Questions/Help: sokonek@scetv.org, 1-888-761-8132 (toll-free) or 803-737-9915/803-737-3245 (locally)