Was your summer break hot? Ours was 'Super Sizzling' - with special educational programming for secondary level students, that is. Now, with the busy new school year upon us, we are shifting gears to help you keep things 'simple' with our new learning program, Simple.Digital.
Hosted on KnowItAll.org and focused on helping teachers and parents interact with the digital world, Simple.Digital has two primary avenues for learning.
- A series of guides and reference sheets that will help with day-to-day technology interaction
These guides will cover a range of topics ranging from a cable identification guide, alternative navigation, file types, and much more. - A series (called Simple.Digital Explains) of 10-15 minute long videos on different technology concepts
These videos are being created for a broader audience and we encourage you to share them with your students. Topics will include an overview on Learning Management Software, what “the cloud” is, and digital footprints. The first set of videos will launch in September with subsequent videos coming out monthly.
In other news, Carolina Classrooms, our locally produced program focusing on education stories from around the state, will be back in October. In the meantime, visit CarolinaClassrooms.org to view previous episodes and web extras. Watch for upcoming announcements on broadcast dates and topics via this e-newsletter and our ETV Education Facebook page.
Contact us with your story ideas at carolinaclassrooms@scetv.org. Don’t miss this opportunity to brag on your students, teachers, support staff and others who keep your school running and your students learning!