The Last One | Endowment Intern Rebecca

Jenna, Rebecca, Shannon on the set of Making it Grow

My last week at ETV proved to be a productive one. I worked on editing two more episodes of the Our Town series that should be up on the website soon. This summer has been a blast! Not only has this internship given me the opportunity to learn about new software and techniques that have helped me to become a better filmmaker, but it has also allowed me to feel more confident and accomplished. I am positive that this summer will remain a favorite of mine for a very long time. The experiences that I have had here have been truly valuable and I know that they have helped me to grow. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I was given, all the places I have visited and all of the people that I've met (and there were a lot)! I have felt so welcomed over that past 10 weeks, and I appreciate everyone's efforts toward making me feel like a true team member. I am sure that I will see my ETV friends again, but to everyone here, thank you! This really has been an incredible experience that I am so fortunate to have had! I wish my fellow interns the best of luck in the future and I hope to run into all of you again some day.

My favorite part of week 10 was visiting the set of Making it Grow. On Tuesday, Don, Jenna and I went to the ETV Sumter office. We spent the day exploring the area and learning about preparations for the live show with Shannon, our fellow intern.  We were able to be on set during rehearsal and in the control room during filming. It was an exciting night! Being behind the scenes of a live show as it happens was one of the many adventures that ETV has given me over the last 10 weeks. I will take everything I have learned here with me, as I move on to my next adventure, my senior year of college. Let’s hope it goes just as well as this one! Goodbye for now, ETV, I’ll catch you on the flippity flop.