April 21, 2017
On April 17, 2017, the statue dedication ceremony for former U.S. Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-S.C.) was held at the Waring Judicial Center Garden in Charleston, South Carolina.
View the full video of the ceremony or fast forward to the speakers, according to the following time marks:
- 4:13 - Mary Jo Sotille Manning
- 11:00 - Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg
- 17:40 - Gov. Henry McMaster
- 23:00 - Former Charleston Mayor Joe Riley
- 41:50 - U.S. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.)
- 56:25 - U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
- 1:05:00 - Former Vice President Joe Biden
- 1:31:00 - Hollings
To learn more about Senator Hollings' life view the S.C. Hall of Fame video.