DRAFT-Learning Resources

ETV Education offers a wealth of free resources to assist learning at any age.

KnowItAll.org logo

KnowItAll.org is a one-stop shop for educators and parents, with lesson plans, documents, videos, and interactives, all sortable by grade and subject.

PBS LearningMedia logo

PBS LearningMedia:
PBS LearningMedia offers curated curriculum-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more.

PBS KIDS offers educational games and videos for children ages 2 through 8, and PBS KIDS for Parents offers parenting tips, activities, games, and more.

Adult Ed image

Adult Education:
Find courses and resources for adult education learners and educators.

Learning + (and or eLearning...) image

Learning + (and or eLearning...) descrip & link

Datacasting & wifi image

Tech Support:
Datacasting & wifi description & link  (or maybe add this under eLearning??) 

Workforce dev image

Workforce Development:
SCETV is committed to developing strong pathways to jobs that need workers in South Carolina. View related stories and resources.

photo of people sitting at table looking at large screen with several 'Post'it's' in the background

We collect and report research on South Carolina’s educational systems. Share your feedback in a current poll or survey now.