Exciting news! Did you know South Carolina ETV is one of 14 public media stations to be awarded a Ready To Learn grant?
In April, South Carolina ETV was awarded a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and PBS to extend the reach and impact of PBS KIDS early learning resources to local communities. The Ready To Learn initiative allows PBS and stations like SCETV to create and share high-quality, educational children’s media on TV, online, and in our community.
In this grant cycle, CPB and PBS worked with early learning experts to expose young children to career and workforce options and help them build vital functional literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, and "world of work" skills and knowledge. This programming is developed for children ages 2-8 and their parents, caregivers, and educators.
If you love PBS KIDS, you’ve probably already seen Ready To Learn programming! New favorites like Lyla In The Loop, Work It Out Wombats, and Molly Of Denali and old school favorites like Sesame Street and Super Why! have all been funded by the Ready To Learn initiative!
Specifically, this 18-month contract will allow us to work with partners to expand educator, parent, and caregiver training and use digital media resources and hands-on learning activities from PBS KIDS, especially in underserved areas. During this grant cycle, we are excited to pilot new initiatives like pop-up family workshop events across the state, a PBS KIDS Library Ambassador Program, and more community events featuring Ready To Learn resources.
If you want to learn more about our plans for Ready To Learn and how you, your school, community program, or library can be involved, please email Caitlin Woodard at cwoodard@scetv.org.
We are looking forward to an exciting year! Happy Learning!