For a limited time, purchase three or more TeacherStep courses and receive 10% off each course!
Whether you go solo, or partner up across a peer group, school or district, TeacherStep will give you 10% off each course when you purchase three or more courses together. You can order three different courses for yourself or maybe three of the same course to take with two peers; either way the discount will apply. Mix or match as needed from more than 30 courses to choose from! Both renewal credit and graduate credit courses are available.
With each course, you'll have up to 9 months to complete your coursework so you can learn at your own pace. All coursework has been developed by highly respected Ph.D educators with teachers’ needs and careers in mind, and the courses include lesson plans and materials you can begin using in your own classroom today!
To receive the discount*:
- Choose your 3 courses
- Checkout with coupon code: group3
- Call (864) 308-1322 to activate and finalize the discount
*Limited time only. Some restrictions apply. Not valid with other offers.
Spread the word at your school and team up to grow your professional development, and save, together!