Studio See – Honor Dance (1978) | ETV Classics

Studio See was a magazine-style show produced by SCETV between 1977 and 1979, made of locally produced and fielded segments from all over the United States. The program aired both on PBS and on Nickelodeon nationally through 1983. Every episode would have a variety of interesting stories and presentations, combining human interest stories, polls, poetry, and looks into unusual careers or fields of study.

The highlight of this episode is a cultural comparison between two different types of traditional dance ceremonies introducing young women into adulthood: a debutante ball called the Camellia Dance in Mobile, Alabama (following Tiny Lott), and an honor dance of the Sac and Fox Tribe near Oklahoma City (following Tammy Boyd). The two girls come from very different backgrounds, but they both share similar hearts in their coming-of-age celebrations.

The episode also contains a Youth on the Move Christmas special in its second half, highlighting the organization’s efforts to arrange fun activities and enrichment for kids who might not have those opportunities otherwise.