The Education Division fully embraces the mission and vision of South Carolina ETV.
As we say goodbye to summer and prepare for fall, it gives me immense pleasure to greet you for the 2023-2024 school year! I hope you had a rejuvenating break filled with laughter, adventures, and cherished moments with your loved ones. At SCETV Education, we are prepared to embrace the excitement of learning and the promise of a bright school year. We hope the same for you.
In keeping with our mission of amplifying South Carolina voices, providing educational experiences, and strengthening communities, this year we are committed to:
Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Learning
As technology continues to shape the world around us, we aim to leverage its potential to enhance the learning journey. We are excited to announce the installation of cutting-edge production equipment in the newly minted MediaSCape Studio. This space will not only facilitate interactive and personalized learning experiences but also help students and educators develop vital digital and media literacy skills that are indispensable in today's ever-evolving world. To learn more about MediaSCape Studio, contact Brooke Weekes at bweekes@scetv.org.
For more information about our efforts to decrease learning interruptions at all levels, connect with Amanda Beck, abeck@scetv.org, and learn about our remote learning resources and services.
Family Engagement and Collaboration
In addition to leveraging technology for enhancing learning experiences for educators and students, we are also prioritizing digital and media literacy for caregivers, particularly grandparents. Given the significant role of grandparents in the lives of learners and the fast-paced advances in technology, it is crucial that families be supported in navigating the digital space safely and with ease. Via resources like Simple.Digital and our collaboration with the Carolina Family Engagement Center, we will invest the time and effort needed to help whole families embrace technology with confidence and competence.
Sparking Curiosity and Creativity
This year, we are placing a strong emphasis on sparking curiosity and creativity among learners. New student activity and workshop offerings will focus on inquiry, encouraging students to ask questions, seek answers, engage in hands-on learning experiences, and create solutions for issues of importance.
It's also our goal to produce irresistible learning media that meets the needs of both educators and students. With new seasons of existing programs like What’s Wild and From the Sky, in addition to new programs like The Cool and the Strong and Curiosity Trek, we aim to promote a love of reading, adventure, art, and the outdoors. Engagement opportunities for all programs are available on-demand and in person.
To learn more about our student and adult learning experience offerings, contact Brian Day at bday@scetv.org.
A Safety and Inclusivity
Safety is an essential component of a strong South Carolina. In keeping with this priority in our mission, the Education Division remains committed to supporting professional development and citizen learning experiences that create cohesive and harmonious communities. In addition to completing the enhancement of SLED interoperability courses, we are also partnering with the Attorney General’s office to produce human trafficking curriculum for middle and high school students. To learn more about these very important initiatives, contact VJ Allred at vjallred@scetv.org or Ginger Cassell at gcassell@scetv.org.
As we stand on the cusp of a new academic year, let us face it with enthusiasm, determination, and an unwavering commitment to learning and evolving. Together, we will embrace challenges, celebrate successes, and create memories that exceed our expectations.
I wish each of you a remarkable and fulfilling school year. Let's go!