Enhance your learning with an ETV LEARN course!
Need to earn Read to Succeed (R2S) Instructional Practices credit? Take our six-week RDLA267 Teaching Phonics and Spelling for Beginning and Transitional Readers, Second Edition course. Although primarily intended for K-3 educators, the course is approved by the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) as a R2S course for ALL educators.
- Enrollment opens May 1 and seats tend to fill up fast so don't delay much if you're interested. The course itself will run from June 26 - August 13, 2023 (includes an extra week per the July 4th holiday).
- The cost is $265 and the course earns 60 Renewal Credits.
- The course requires active participation through a 6-week period, however, there are no set login days or times.
Looking for something else? Discover why your fellow SC educators find that ETV LEARN Self-paced Renewal Courses, approved by the SCDE for 20 renewal credits each, are a "worth-our-time" experience and good value at $75 per course!
“The ETV LEARN course definitely enhanced my knowledge … love all the support ETV provides such as lesson plans and other PD opportunities.” – Michele F., mathematics teacher, Florence One
Choose one or more self-paced courses from our Spring II and Summer sessions. Each session offers the same 30+ course options, all delivered conveniently online.
- Spring II courses are perfect if you need to earn credits before the upcoming June 30, 2023, renewal cycle deadline. Registration is open NOW through May 15. Complete your coursework by June 5 and you'll be all set for recertification.
- Our Summer Session is a great option for learning during summer 'downtime'. Registration for the courses will open June 1 (save the date!) and coursework will be allowed from July 1 - August 15.
Also, check out our FREE course offer for the Spring II session. The first 20 educators to enroll in at least ONE 20 renewal credit course in our Spring II session may request ONE of the following courses FREE in the same session:
- any Teaching & Learning in Carolina Classrooms course
- any Natural History course (includes the Natural History in North America series, Making Connections series, plus the Exploring Naturalists and the Environmental Awareness courses)
- any SC Chronicles course
* To receive the offer: Enroll in at least ONE course, then promptly email bjamison@scetv.org the title of the course you enrolled in AND the title of the free course you want from the list above. Be sure to also include your name, address, and school/district if applicable. *You may only receive ONE free course no matter how many you purchase.
View all courses with descriptions via scetv.org/teacher-recertification.
Stay up-to-date on SCETV professional development courses and opportunities via our ETV Education monthly e-newsletter, the Education RoundUp (subscribe here).
Questions/Help: moodleadmin@scetv.org or 888-761-8132 (or local 803-737-9915 or 803-737-3245)