Hey educators, I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break and is ready for a school year of possibilities. May this school year be your most successful one yet!
I know many of you spent time this summer engaged in professional development. Whether you were unable to do so or simply are seeking more learning opportunities, please consider ETV Education as your go-to source.
For individuals, we offer free PD sessions. These are typically delivered via webinar to accommodate your busy schedules and travel concerns, however we also at times offer in person events. Stay up-to-date on new opportunities via our monthly enewsletter and view current, on-demand learning opportunities at scetv.org/education/learning.
For groups, we offer trainings that can be done in person or virtually - your choice! Is there a common PD need your group/school/district shares? Please see our current list of trainings available for a possible fit, and remember we are happy to customize experiences to meet your needs. Our trainers are excited about the opportunity to enhance your teaching and learning!
Finally, although they are not free, remember too, that we offer renewal credit courses through our ETV LEARN program.
ETV Education is your go-to-source for professional development. Let us know how we can best serve your needs at 800-277-3245 or email us at etveducation@scetv.org.