It’s already November and that means Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break are just around the corner.
As educators, we are excited to have time to spend with our families and recharge ourselves to come back in January with renewed vigor to tackle the second half of the school year. But during our breaks we never stop thinking about our students and what they are doing while they are at home recharging as well. We hope that they are reading every day, practicing math facts, or learning something new because they are curious or creative. We envision our students logging into the internet and playing educational games, watching educational videos, and exploring the world with the click of a button! However, many of our students here in South Carolina (approximately 50,000) are at home during these breaks without access to the internet, making it more difficult for them to quench their thirst for knowledge.
In our continued effort to decrease the digital divide here in South Carolina, SC ETV offers free Hotspots to any student who is without internet service. If you know of any students/families that could benefit from our free Hotspot Program, we would love to help! To get more information about the free program, please contact Amanda Beck at 803.260.5038 or abeck@scetv.org.