Did you encounter students who were unable to complete assignments outside of school due to internet connectivity issues?
SCETV has a viable option, for students with little to no internet availability at home, to receive educational content in their homes as long as they have a Wi-Fi enabled device. ETVEducast is a FREE service available to schools and districts that supports learning beyond your classroom walls.
Datacasting is a technology that combines data and the use of tv broadcast signals to provide a one-way transmission of data into students’ homes. This technology is being used to combat the digital divide that our families in SC are experiencing. Currently, SCETV’s broadcast signal can be received by 98% of homes across the state, which means that potentially 98% of your students will have access to academic materials even when the Internet is not available.
As you reflect on the past school year, let’s get a head start on the 2022-2023 academic year by making sure that we are providing students with tools that promote success! If you know of families that you serve in your facility that could benefit from this FREE service, please reach out to Amanda Beck SCETV’s Datacasting and Remote Learning Program Coordinator at 803.260.5038 or through email at abeck@scetv.org.