Hitting the ground running | Endowment Intern Bonnie

A single television screen displays multiple camera angles while a host conducts the interview.

My first week interning with the SCETV Content department was an exciting rush of new places, people, and roles to fill. I had the opportunity to travel to the SCETV Lowcountry station in Beaufort, South Carolina, and take part in the filming of an episode of By the River. This show focuses on the works of local authors and was a great example of the work produced by local ETV stations.

The program is filmed on a single set, with the host and guest of the episode centered on two chairs. While the host conducts the interview, multiple cameras  remain focused on the set and catch the action from multiple angles. Once the cameras began to roll, it was interesting to watch how each person on the set silently went about their job. There are not often any second takes on an interview like this, so we all tried our best to remain focused and silent. We were rewarded with a successful production and a fantastic interview.

A highlight of the experience was the opportunity to operate the camera jib. This is essentially a large lever operated by at least one person and allows for a variety of unique camera angles. Using what looks like a large remote-controlled car control box, I was able to rotate and adjust the angle of the camera while another individual lifted and lowered the jib.

This technology was something that I had always been curious about and was very interested in operating. The SCETV team is quick to get interns like me involved in various projects and gain hands-on experience. Having someone I just met the day before trust in my technical abilities was truly humbling, and I am glad to have had the chance to work on this set. The footage from that shoot will be compiled and edited to create a complete episode of By the River.

Watching the interview for this program and taking part in its filming was an amazing experience and a fantastic start to my internship. I feel very lucky to have met the team working at the SCETV Lowcountry station and take part in a show's production process. The new skills I learned were carried back to Columbia, and I look forward to applying them in the future.