As a year that was unlike any others before it, it’s hard to believe that 2020 is starting to wind down. When this year began, working remotely, social distancing and at-home learning weren’t phrases we used in our everyday vocabulary. But, as 2020 threw us curveballs, we adjusted.
And, I’m proud to announce that, this coming January, we’ll be making another adjustment – this time to our largest online assets – scetv.org and southcarolinapublicradio.org. Throughout the last year, our team has worked diligently, often times through virtual meetings and conference calls, to refresh the SCETV website. Understanding the needs of our diverse audience, the new site aims to make navigation easier, connecting South Carolinians with the resources they seek in a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing way.
No matter what the new year holds as we transition into 2021, we’ll overcome any obstacles that arise by collaborating and supporting one another. We’re proud to serve as a resource for every citizen in South Carolina and look forward to continuing our efforts to make a meaningful and positive impact in communities all around this state.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV/SC Public Radio