ETV provides quality professional development for South Carolina educators, continuing our strong commitment to education.
ETV Teacher Recertification offers over 25 online courses, plus several NEW Natural History courses. Courses earn 20 renewal credits each and are approved by the SC Department of Education for SC teachers. Work online at your own pace 24/7, then complete by session end date.
So … march right into Spring with ETV Teacher Recertification! Register starting March 2 for SPRING I session that runs March 16 through May 4. Check out new courses and the repeat free offer this session for the Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I course.
NEW courses with Naturalist Rudy Mancke
- History in North America & Beyond, Series I and Series II
Both courses highlight the four regions of the United States as we learn about the biodiversity of each area, looking at the distinctive geography and the great variety of plant and animal life forms along with their remarkable habitats to understand how they are connected. This study allows K-12 educators to integrate Natural History into their teaching, making connections that students can relate to anywhere in the world. Award-winning “NatureScene” programs produced on location provide a rich, up-close experience with unprecedented access and exceptional photography. Naturalist Mancke conveys additional information in separate segments to extend, reinforce and connect. (Two other courses will be added later 2020. Series III focuses on South Carolina and Series IV on other highlights across our country, plus a variety of areas beyond our borders.)(NOTE: Offered for first time Winter 2020. Available in all subsequent sessions.)
ETV Teacher Recertification SPRING I session
Register March 2 thru April 6 Courses open to begin work March 16 Must complete by May 4
- Over 25 courses for 20 renewal credits each offered
- All approved by the SC Department of Education for renewal credit (NO graduate credit)
- ELA, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Career Ed + general education courses
- Facilitated online and self-paced; work anytime 24/7; MUST complete by end date of session
- Cost: $75 each (pay online by credit card or mail check)
- Popular courses: Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series I & II (similar to SC Teachers on Teaching with more recent TOTYs and relevant ed topics), Connecting with Literacy Through Storytelling (loved by media specialists and regular classroom teachers), Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I & II (great reviews on innovative course and site), Career Education for Student Success and The Arts and Career Connections (good info for all teachers), A Literary Tour of SC, Series I, II & III (useful tips on writing process from SC-connected authors ), Making Connections with Natural History Featuring Rudy Mancke, Series I & II (ways to engage learning in K-12 through nature), Take on the South with Dr. Walter Edgar (debates on key issues), SC Chronicles, Series I - VII (also with Dr. Edgar, walks through SC history providing interesting discussions on people and places)
Again offering the first 10 who register for at least one ETV Teacher Recertification course AND want to take the Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I course the opportunity to take the BTW, Series I course free of charge in the SPRING I session 2020!
Description of course: This innovative course provides engaging ways to integrate history using SCETV’s immersive website Between the Waters. Participants are guided through the site, exploring Hobcaw Barony’s (located near Georgetown, SC) history from Native American life through slavery, Reconstruction and both World Wars by examining focus sites on topics including food, hunting, sports, architecture, religion, art, and nature. (Recommended for teachers of grades 3-12, all subject areas) (20 renewal credits)
If you want this FREE offer: Register/pay for at least one ETV Teacher Recertification course in the SPRING I session when registration opens March 2. Then immediately email, indicating the title of at least one course you registered/paid for in the SPRING I session and that you want to take BTW, Series I free of charge. We will let you know if you are one of the first ten and receive the free BTW, Series I course for SPRING I. bjamison@scetv.org
Descriptions, register/pay: http://www.scetv.org/teacher-recertification
Invite your colleagues to SIGN UP to receive the ETV ed-news bulletin that contains the latest news from ETV Education on free resources, services, workshops, PD, and ETV/PBS programming! Go to the ETV Education home page. Scroll to the very bottom and look for “Sign up for our newsletter.” Put in information; then select “Education.” http://www.scetv.org/education
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