The Education Oversight Committee (EOC) reports that the fourth season of "Martin's Math Club," a partnership with University of South Carolina Head Men's Basketball Coach Frank Martin and the University of South Carolina Athletics Department, is well underway.
This is the fourth year of the program, which promotes the teaching of math through the game of basketball.
The contest provides the opportunity for teachers and students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade to win two tickets to a University of SC Men's Basketball team home game. With assistance from South Carolina math educators, the EOC has published 27 standards-based lessons for K-8th grade that incorporate math and basketball.
Each teacher who incorporates at least one of three available lessons in each grade level into their teaching has the chance to win two tickets to a South Carolina home basketball game and each student who receives a lesson will be eligible to win two tickets to a home basketball game. Winners will be recognized at each game and may have the chance to meet Coach Martin.
Contest details: www.helpwithmathsc.org
Contact Dana Yow, SC Education Oversight Committee (EOC), at 803-734-6148 with questions.