Dear Viewers and Listeners:
This spring, South Carolina ETV and SC Public Radio launched a new storytelling-focused weather service. Located online at scetv.org/weather, the new platform serves as a unique information hub, detailing the local impact of weather events. Updates can also be found on social media by following @SCETV and @SCPublicRadio on Twitter and Facebook and using the #SCETVwx hashtag.
On the programming side, SCETV offers a new Carolina Stories special, Beyond Barbados: The South Carolina Connection. Produced, directed, written and edited by SCETV’s Dave Adams with a grant from the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor, this special sheds light on the link between the colonization of our state and tiny West Indies island.
Also debuting is a new season of Endeavour, which finds DS Endeavour Morse facing new challenges with the Woodstock Police Department. Jamestown also begins a new season, as old feuds and revenge plots add to the adversity of life in the New World.
As the month begins, SC Public Radio’s Bradley Fuller is in Charleston for the final week of the Spoleto Festival USA. On Sonatas and Soundscapes, Fuller fills listeners in on all the performances offered; and this year’s Chamber Music Concerts continue during the first week of June.
As always, we thank you for support.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV and SC Public Radio