March into Spring: NEW ETV Teacher Recertification Course

Two women power walking


ETV provides quality professional development for South Carolina educators, continuing its strong commitment to education.

ETV Teacher Recertification offers 50 online courses, PLUS one NEW course. ALL courses approved by the SC Department of Education for 20 renewal credits for our SC teachers.

March right into Spring with ETV Teacher Recertification! Register starting March 1 for SPRING I session that runs March 18 through May 7. Look at our NEW course just added and see repeat FREE offer this session for Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I course.

NEW course added starting SPRING I (also available in subsequent sessions):

  • Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series II

Teaching and learning in the 21st century classroom is much more than the traditional lecture-based classroom.  Teachers are the facilitators of learning, encouraging students to be creative, to evaluate and analyze, and to apply their knowledge. Today we have changed our methods of instruction from delivering content to engaging students in the content, moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach as we work to give our students options for learning. Through resources examining a variety of educational topics, this ETV Teacher Recertification course builds on the content of the Series I course, continuing to share messages of courage in education – to take risks, to advocate, to lead, and to share ideas. SCETV's educational series Carolina Classrooms allows us to learn from education leaders, students and teachers, and parents and community partners who work to make a difference in our SC classrooms. Educators of all subject areas/grade levels – classroom & special area teachers, media specialists, guidance professionals, administration - will benefit from this course. Similar to popular SC Teachers on Teaching series. (Recommended SC educators participate in Series I course first and then participate in this second course.)

ETV Teacher Recertification SPRING I session

Register March 1 thru April 1      Courses open to begin work March 18     Must complete by May 7

  • Over 50 courses for 20 renewal credits each offered
  • All approved by the SC Department of Education for renewal credit (NO graduate credit)
  • ELA, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Career Ed + general education courses
  • Newer courses: Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I; Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series I; Connecting with Literacy Through Storytelling; SC Chronicles VII: Entering the 20thc.; Making Connections with Natural History
  • Facilitated online and self-paced; work anytime 24/7; MUST complete by end date of session
  • Cost for each 20 renewal credit course is $75


FREE OFFER - Again offering the first 10 who register for at least one course AND want to take the Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I course the opportunity to take the BTW, Series I course free of charge! If you want this FREE offer: Register/pay for at least one course in the SPRING I session when registration opens March 1.  Then immediately email, indicating the title of at least one course you registered/paid for in the SPRING I session and that you want to take BTW, Series I free of charge. We will let you know if you are one of the first ten and receive the free BTW, Series I course for SPRING I.

Course descriptions, register/pay


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