Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month?
National Bullying Prevention Month is a campaign in the United States founded in 2006 by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention.
Initially held the first week in October, the event was expanded in 2010 to the entire month. PACER developed the initial campaign, National Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week, to raise awareness about bullying.” ("History of National Bullying Prevention Month," n.d.)
Bullying Statistics
- More than one out of every five (20.8%) students report being bullied (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2016).
- 33% of students who reported being bullied at school indicated that they were bullied at least once or twice a month during the school year (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2016).
- Of those students who reported being bullied, 13% were made fun of, called names, or insulted; 12% were the subject of rumors; 5% were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; and 5% were excluded from activities on purpose (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2016).
The 2019 theme is “Choose Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion.” SCETV's mission is to enrich lives by educating children, informing and connecting citizens, celebrating our culture and environment, and instilling the joy of learning. In an effort to support South Carolina’s diverse population and cultures, SCETV encourages communities and organizations to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying.
South Carolina’s PBS LearningMedia.org has a host of resources available to support National Bullying Prevention Month. Log in and search for resources available that promote teaching kindness in the classroom.
- Teaching Kindness in the Classroom Collection (Early Learners)
- Tips & Tricks/Kindness in the Classroom
- Empathy/Sesame Street
- Bullying (Grades 5-12)
In this self-paced literacy lesson, students watch documentary videos about bullying and read informational text about how bullying may affect the function of a democratic society.
- Cyber-bullying Grades (7-12)
Cyber-bullying is where one or more children targets another through technology such as the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to threaten, harass, or embarrass another child.
SC educators are encouraged to set up their FREE account for this valuable PBS LearningMedia.org resource that provides access to a variety of segments from PBS national programs, the National Archives, NASA, the National Science Foundation, and other quality content providers.
Additional Resources on Bullying Prevention and Awareness
- https://www.pacer.org/bullying/
- https://www.stompoutbullying.org/
- https://youth.gov/feature-article/national-bullying-prevention-month
- https://www.dodea.edu/dodeaCelebrates/BullyPrevMonth.cfm
“There is no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.” ~ Mister Rogers