EOC: Family-Friendly Standards and Help with Math SC

SC Education Oversight Committee


While the summer provides wonderful time for relaxation, the extra time can also unfortunately promote the summer slide for some students.

The Education Oversight Committee (EOC) recommends these valuable resources to share with students and families as the summer break approaches:


The SC Family-Friendly Standards (www.scfriendlystandards.org) are updated and available for Grades K-12 for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The guides provide information about what students should be learning at each grade level, along with books and resources to enhance the learning at school. The guides are also available in Spanish.

Looking for help with Math? Help with Math SC (www.helpwithmathsc.org ) is an online resource to help families and others find assistance and materials based on the SC College and Career-Ready Standards in Mathematics. The materials, developed by math educators from SC, are available for K-7th grade.

For additional information, contact Dana Yow at danay@eoc.sc.gov or 803-734-6148.