Content For The Win | Endowment Intern Laura-Ellen

A picture of me testing out the new customizable camera this week.

In my first week of interning at SCETV, I’ve learned that flexibility is key. Your day can change in an instant whether it’s a meeting that gets pushed back or weather that moves your camera test indoors. My goal for the summer is to experience a little bit of everything. I work in content development here and so far I’ve been helping to lay the foundation for two new web series. I’ve researched, wrote preliminary scripts and reached out to restaurant owners to see if they would like to be featured on one of the shows we’re gearing up for. I enjoy creating new content but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. You want to construct something that is not only fresh but offers an element that hasn’t been seen before in the Palmetto State.

One of my favorite things about being at SCETV is the impact it has had on many of the people I love. As a little girl, I remember SCETV covering the Governor’s Carolighting which my grandfather, RD Roberts, helped to plan for over 20 years and my entire family participated in. This type of programming brings people from diverse backgrounds together to showcase our amazing state. My mother speaks fondly of the times she participated in SCETV shows and special service announcements. SCETV plays an important role in our community and I am eager to be a part of the collaborative and friendly working environment this summer.