SCETV and The Post and Courier’s 2018 gubernatorial debates at The Brooks Fine Arts Center at Clemson University will be open to credentialed media. The Republican debate will take place on Wednesday, May 23rd and the Democratic debate will take place Thursday, May 24th.
The doors will open at 6:00 and we ask that all media be seated by 6:55.
TV and still cameras are allowed inside the venue leading up to the start of the live 7:00 debate, but must be out of venue by 6:55.
The Post and Courier will have a pool photographer taking photos throughout the debate.
For television/radio stations wanting video/audio of live event, we will have a multi-box at the production truck.
There will not be an official spin room, but once the debate is complete, journalists are welcome to talk to candidates. This will be up to the campaigns.
There will be a filing room near the auditorium set up for reporters.
For any questions or issues, contact Tom Posey at 803-463-9313.