Home Stretch | Endowment Intern Jenna

Newberry Opera House

Since I have only completed my fourth week at ETV, this might be a misleading blog title. However, after we wrapped the last live debate of the season on Wednesday, I got an odd sense of almost-nostalgia. Things will certainly start to slow down after the runoff election next week, and with no more live debates scheduled, it feels like the home stretch of election-season. This isn’t technically true, considering that the entire process will revamp again in the fall before general elections take place.

Much like the past three weeks, this week revolved around S.C. politics. On Monday morning, I traveled to the Newberry Opera House in anticipation of the debate. Despite its large facade, the actual auditorium space was small but quaint—complete with dark red, velvet seats, and a beautiful chandelier. On Tuesday, I wrote an online piece addressing the details of the runoff, which hopefully addressed some frequently asked questions.

There was a full house for the debate on Wednesday, so I hung out behind the stage during the show. It was weird to only be standing a few feet away from the candidates, especially because I knew my parents were watching it on live TV at home.

After the debate, I wrote a recap that addressed the major talking points of the night. You can check it out online here.

Although this might be the tail end of my political coverage, I’m sure I will continue to stay busy between working on This Week in South Carolina, SC Lede and Palmetto Scene.