ETV is pleased to announce a new monthly guest blogger series featuring SC educators recognized for innovation in the classroom! The new blogger series will serve as an additional platform to our Carolina Classrooms television and web series to elevate and share SC educators’ voices and the accomplished work they are doing.
The series kicks off with a post by Adam Babcock, Technology Integration Specialist at Spartanburg High School & Freshman Academy in Spartanburg District 7; Adam was SC's first educator to be named a PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator when the national competition launched in 2014. Other guest bloggers will include additional PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator winners, educators who earn the new PBS Media Literacy Certification, and other educators recognized for their skilled use of technology in the classroom.
The PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator program rewards tech-savvy K-12 educators from across the country who are serving as leaders in the education technology space and incorporating digital media in classrooms to promote student engagement and achievement. The annual program has recognized and honored 19 SC educators to date.
The PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification by KQED recognizes educators who excel in creating and implementing instruction with media, and provides support to help all teachers accelerate these skills. Educators who exemplify strong media literacy competencies are invited to submit a portfolio of work demonstrating their achievements; free media literacy courses are available on KQED Teach for educators who need support in building the competencies which include the ability to create original content using multiple media production techniques, share original media on a variety of online platforms designed to reach specific audiences, and implement lessons that help students foster media skills and more. Available courses include: Finding & Validating Information Online; Understanding Copyright & Fair Use; Video Storytelling Essentials; Designing Presentations; Safety and Privacy in a Participatory Culture; How to Manage and Assess Media Projects; and more.
Read Babcock’s guest blog now, Parenting Students with School-Assigned Devices, and look for a new guest blog each month.