The South Carolina primary is rapidly approaching and for some, the process can be confusing and intimidating. Below is a condensed Election Day “how-to” that will get you up to speed with everything you need to know before June 12.
You’ll first need to determine what location you are registered to vote at. Your precinct is printed at the top of your voter registration card. Sometimes this information might be outdated, so a good way to double check your polling location is to visit the South Carolina Election Commission website and click "Find My Polling Place," or call your county elections office.
You should bring one of the following types of photo ID to your precinct in order to vote.
- SC Driver's License
- SC Department of Motor Vehicles ID Card (includes SC Concealed Weapons Permit)
- SC Voter Registration Card with Photo
- US Passport
- Federal Military ID (includes all Department of Defense Photo IDs and the Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Card)
If you do not have one of these forms of photo ID, bring your non-photo voter registration card to your precinct. You will be able to cast a provisional ballot after signing an affidavit that you had a reasonable impediment beyond your control that prevented you from obtaining a photo ID. Examples of this might include a conflicting work schedule, lack of transportation or familial responsibilities. This provisional ballot will count unless the county board of voter registration and elections has reason to believe that your identity or the information you provided on the affidavit is false.
If you forget to bring your photo ID you may cast a provisional ballot that will only count if you show a photo ID to the county elections office prior to the certification of the primary on June 14.
Precincts are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. As long as you are in line before 7 p.m. you will be allowed to vote.
Your ballot will look different depending on where you are registered to vote. Visit scVOTES.org, click "Get My Sample Ballot" and enter your information to see the candidates that will appear on your ballot. You must pick a primary to vote in, Republican or Democratic. You will be asked when you arrive at your precinct what primary you choose to vote in. If there is a runoff on June 26, you must vote with the original party you selected in the primary.
For more voting information and answers to frequently asked questions, visit scVOTES.org.