This past weekend, passionate Revolutionary War Reenactors set up camp in McConnells, South Carolina, despite the certainty of sweltering temperatures and cloudless skies. They came for “Liberty or Death - The Revolutionary War in the Carolinas”, which is a national reenactment event that portrayed how the turning point of the Revolution was defined in South Carolina. It was one of the largest living history demonstrations in the southeast, with hundreds of reenactors from around the country congregating to form infantry and cavalry regiments.
“Liberty or Death” featured the three largest land battles fought in South Carolina during the American Revolution: the battles of Kings Mountain, Camden and Eutaw Springs. The South Carolina ETV crew was there for The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution, which is a final product that will be used in schools nationwide and on Knowitall.org. Through the leadership of co-producers William Richardson and Steve Folks, South Carolina ETV crew members were able to capture the scene on camera. With the use of scaffolding and scissor lifts, William Richardson and camera operators Brandie Siebel and Lynn Cornfoot got right on top of the action.
Check out our photo album, contributed by our ETV Carolinas Endowment Intern, Lauren Lanier, for a behind-the-scenes look!