ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Goat Farm | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores a goat farm. D.V. learns about the different breeds of goats and how they are cared for.
Forensics | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates the ins and outs of forensics. D.V. visits a lab where he learns how evidence is analyzed and collected, as well as how fingerprints are lifted and identified. Jobs in...
Crane | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns how cranes are used. D.V. speaks with a worker from Buchner Steel at a construction site about heavy lifting cranes and their parts.
Bridges | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns all about bridges. D.V. visits a bridge under construction and SCDOT to learn more about the construction and engineering that must occur for a bridge to be built and stay...
Glass | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers how art glass is made. D.V. visits an art glass studio and watches a piece being made in real time. He learns that glass is made from silica, and there are many tools...
Food Bank | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores a food bank. D.V. learns that food banks take food from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and community members and distribute it to groups who are helping to feed...
Boat | Eye Wonder


Eye Wonder explores how a boat is made. D.V. goes to the Beneteau Factory where he learns about the four main parts of the boat that are molded: the deck, the deck liner, the hull and the hull liner...