ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Emergency Air Rescue | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns about emergency air rescue. D.V. takes a ride in an emergency helicopter and learns all about the emergency care that takes place in the sky.
Fish Hatchery | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates the workings of a fish hatchery. D.V. visits a fish hatchery where they raise trout. He learns about the scientific process of breeding trout and how they are managed...
Digital Television | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers how digital television works. D.V. speaks with an engineer to learn about the difference between a digital and an analog signal, and the benefits of having a digital...
Fashion Designer | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers what it takes to be a fashion designer. D.V. visits the fashion department at the American Intercontinental University and learns all about the things a fashion designer...
Emergency Room | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns what happens behind the scenes in the emergency room from the admissions process to how patients are cared for. A nurse explains what happens to a patient when he or she is...
Cave | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores a cave. D.V. visits Mammoth Cave and learns about the climate and temperature properties of a cave and what kinds of plants and animals live in caves.
Chef | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns what it takes to be a chef. D.V. visits the Culinary Institute where he learns that being a chef is much more than cooking, with courses in math for purchasing, food service...
Athletic Trainer | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns more about the routine of an athletic trainer. D.V. follows a certified athletic trainer to learn about all of the different types of equipment in the training room and how...
Baseball Bat | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores how a baseball bat is made. D.V. visits the Louisville Slugger factory to learn how bats are made from billets with special tools.