Crash Course Theater

Crash Course Theater


  • Pre-Columbian Theater, Spanish Empire, and Sor Juana

    American theater existed before Europeans arrived, and the Spanish greatly influenced it.
  • Molière - Man of Satire and Many Burials

    Meet Renaissance France's theater greatest playwright: Molière.
  • Rules, Rule-Breaking, and French Neoclassicism

    The French Neoclassical revival involved a lot of rules – and some rule-breaking.
  • The Spanish Golden Age

    Spain was having kind of a moment in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • Where Did Theater Go?

    In the 1600s, English theater had to go into hiding, from PURITANS. Enter: WOMEN.
  • English Theater After Shakespeare

    Thanks, Shakespeare! Let's talk about Ben Jonson, revenge tragedies, and court masques.
  • Comedies, Romances, and Shakespeare's Heroines

    Let's take a look at Shakespeare's comedies, romances, problem plays and heroines.
  • Shakespeare's Tragedies and an Acting Lesson

    Shakespeare's tragedies had some jokes, and they changed the way tragedies were written.

About Crash Course Theater

Crash Course Theater