ETV Education offers a wealth of free resources to assist learning at any age.
Curriculum & Lesson Plan Resources is SCETV's learning media platform offering South Carolina standards-aligned lesson plans, videos, interactives, and more - all sortable by grade and subject.

PBS LearningMedia offers curated curriculum-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more.
PBS KIDS offers educational games and videos for children ages 2 through 8, and PBS KIDS for Parents offers parenting tips, activities, games, and more
Find courses and resources for adult education learners and educators.
Workforce Development
SCETV is committed to developing strong pathways to jobs that need workers in South Carolina; view our related stories and resources.
WiFi Hotspots & Datacasting
WiFi Hotspots
We provide Wi-Fi hotspot devices free of charge to schools, early learning centers, and after school programs.
We are helping to address the digital divide by providing instructional content to students without Internet access.
Resources for teaching and learning outside of the traditional classroom.
Learning+ is a statewide South Carolina Educational Television partnership offering instructional content and alternative learning resources in support of students, families and teachers.
Race and Curriculum
SCETV is committed to access, equity, and meeting the needs of 21st century learners.